Many changes were observed on the island in the Ancient Times; the economy shifted from agriculture and livestock to commerce and shipping. The two most powerful cities were Chalkida and Eretria. Chalkida was famous for its pottery that was exported all over the Ancient World and Eretria was a renowned maritime city. The beginning of the 8th century B.C. was the end of hereditary kingship on the island. The new system of governance was oligarchy.
During the Ancient Times, Evia was very powerful and prosperous. For about three centuries (770 B.C. till 500 B.C.), the Chalkideans and the Eretrians colonized the Aegean Islands, Macedonia and Italy. However, there was a war between the Eretrians and the Chalkideans concerning the dominance of the river Lilas (“The war of Lilas”). After the war, there was some kind of revelation and oligarchy became history for Evia.
In the Classical Era, Evia was attacked by the Persians twice: first Eretria was destroyed and then Chalkida. After that, Chalkida, Eretria and Istiea participated in the 1st Athenian Alliance.
Although Evia sided with Athens during the Peloponnesian War, it betrayed Athens twice. However, it became a member of the 2nd Athenian Alliance. In 358 or 357 B.C. there was another civil war in Evia, with the intervention of Thiva and Athens. After that, Philip the 2nd started to interfere and conquered Chalkida. From that time on, Evia sided with Macedonia, until the Roman dominance.
In 1470, the Ottomans conquered the island, destroyed a large part of it and killed many inhabitants. The living conditions on the island significantly deteriorated and this is why the inhabitants tried to rebel against the Ottomans twice, once in 1668 and once in 1770. However, both times they did not succeed.
The population really suffered during that period and it was only natural that the Evia inhabitants would participate in the Greek Revolution of 1821. The revolution began in Limni and sprawled across the island very fast. Although based on the protocol of London Evia was officially part of Greece in 1830, it actually became part of it in 1833.
Troops from Evia participated, and were very successful, in the Balkan Wars. After the Asia Minor Disaster, Evia received more than 9,000 inhabitants in total, coming from the Asian coasts. During World War II, many cities were bombarded (1941). From 1941 to 1944, the island was dominated by Germans and/or Italians. The years after the War were very tough for Evia, similar to the rest of Greece. In 1962 the famous bridge of Chalkida was built, which made the island easily accessible from the mainland.
Today, Evia has more than 200,000 inhabitants, involved in commerce, tourism, agriculture, fishing and livestock. Its amazing natural beauties combined with its proximity to Athens and the mainland, as well as the Aegean Islands, make Evia an increasingly preferred destination. Nowadays, visitors from Greece and abroad choose to spend their holiday in Evia and discover its dazzling beaches, unique nature and interesting culture.