+ Cycladia Travel Guides | Mythology


According to mythology, Zeus fell in love and abducted the most beautiful daughter of the river god Asopos. He took her to the island Oenone close to Attica where they had a son called Aeakos who later became the king of the island. Oenone then took the name “Aegina but had no inhabitants, so Zeus transformed the ants to humans who were called Myrmidons (in Greek the word “mirmingi” means “ant”). The Myrmidons were eventually considered to be an elite army with six hands and black armor.

Aeakos married twice and had three sons. Peleus and Telamonas with Endiida, and Fokos with the Nereid Psamanthi. Peleus and Telamonas left the island after murdering Fokos out of jealousy. Peleus settled in Thessaly, married Thetis who was immortal, and had a son called Achilles. Telamonas went to Salamina, married Erivia and had a son called Ajax. Both, Achilles and Ajax played a major role in the war of Troy which is described in Homer’s “Iliad”.

Christmas in Greece is an experience in itself as it is a holiday celebrate...
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